Hi, we are excited to launch our beta app and hope that you will enjoy playing with it. TIt’s just a taste of what we hope will drive a natural curiosity of exploring. The Teddybots activities app helps children strike the right balance between both the online and offline playtime.
The particular app allows children to explore the Teddybots digital world of puzzles and games. Our games and activities are designed developing cognitive skills and these 3 games work with memory and sounds. These games are just a small sample of experiences we want to develop.
Teddybots soft toys do not contain technology.
The Teddybots Companion App is for sharing educational stories, puzzles, and activities.
Recomended times for platime on devices.
remember its best not to use them for at least an hour before bedtime.
0.25 / 0.5 hour per day
1 hour per day
1.5 hour per day
2 hours per day
When you download the app you will be asked for the following information.
No important data here!
We ask for children’s age so we can provide you with the best content.
For registering the account and to inform you of important update information.
We will never spam you
For updates follow us
Our Companion App serves as a storytelling environment and does not control or interact with the toy