We make robot shaped soft toy characters that we bring to life through stories, activities, puzzles, and games.
These soft toy robots are designed by Irish Street Artist Shane Sutton . The toys are the artists vision of creating a contemporary version of the traditional teddy bear and are inspired by the artists passion for art and technology.
The artists work has included a wide variety of media and themes, but he is best known for his large Spacer street art paintings. In 2019 he was awarded an art residency with the European Space Agency where he collaborated with scientists from the space agencies UK climate office producing final artworks on climate awareness and showcased at the European Space Agency’s Living Planet Symposium in Milan 2019.
On March 1st 2019, as winner of the ‘Graffiti Without Gravity’ Street art competition with The Hague Street Art and the European Space Agency in Holland, he became the first street artist to sign work in weightlessness on a zero gravity flight.
A multi faceted visual artist working with street and canvas Shane is also an award winning film director and editor.
You can see a portfolio of works on his website www.shanesutton.com