Teddybots text
Both of my kids were instantly captivated by our Teddy





immediately surpassed all the other teddies to have top spot in the toy room


Available now: Teddybot Alien Green 




No Electronics

Teddybots is the new teddy bear for todays digital generation. Our space themed toys are 100% cute, soft and tactile. At Teddybots we recommend that not to put technology in toys and we believe that the life of the toy should live through children’s imaginations. Why make a robot that makes sounds when young people can make their own?

We want to provide ‘On’ and ‘Offline’ toys and games for young people and deliver them on a platform of educational games and activities. We want to engourage healty habits for young people using tablet,  phones and mobile devices. Our ‘Off line’ soft toys and books and our ‘Online’ puzzles, stories and animations are a solution to providing healthy educational content.

In short, we don’t put tehcnology in our toys and we want enusre that we provide healthy content and awarness on using technology on a platfrom puzzles, stories and games.

We love toys – We love technology

100 percent soft
Teddybots soft toys


Astronaut on a rock